May 29, 1982 –Falklands War: British forces recapture Goose Green

Background On May 21, 1982, some 4,000 British Marines landed at San Carlos Bay.  After easily overpowering the small Argentine garrison, the British soldiers secured the landing zone, where British transport ships soon arrived to unload weapons and supplies.  The Argentineans carried out many air attacks, sinking the British frigates HMS Ardent and HMS Antelope on May 21 and May 24, respectively, and the destroyer HMS Coventry on May 25.  Also badly damaged were the British frigates HMS Argonaut and HMS Brilliant.  Many other ships also could have been hit or suffered heavy damage were it not that Argentinean pilots often released their rockets too low, which exploded with little effect or did not detonate on time.

The British incurred heavy losses at San Carlos Bay, but succeeded in completing the landings.  However, the loss of a freighter carrying the transport helicopters for the troops meant that the British ground forces at San Carlos Bay could not be airlifted to Port Stanley as planned, but would have to walk the 80 kilometers of open terrain in bad weather to the capital.  The main force of 3,000 troops was tasked to advance to Port Stanley.

To protect the flank of this advance, some 600 soldiers were sent to capture Goose Green, a village located southwest of San Carlos Bay.  British reconnaissance flights indicated that Goose Green was defended only by a small Argentinean force.  The British also noted the presence of artillery batteries and other heavy weapons.  Unbeknown to the British, Goose Green’s garrison contained 1,200 soldiers, which outnumbered the British force by a ratio of 2:1.  The Argentineans also were positioned on a ridge facing the direction of the British advance.

BattleThe battle for Goose Green began on the night of May 27, 1982 with the British soldiers being pinned down by heavy fire.  The following morning, the British successfully outflanked the ridge and advanced toward Goose Green.  British planes struck at Argentinean positions, which began to break down.  The British ground force then demanded the Argentineans to surrender.  Believing he was facing a large force, the Argentinean commander surrendered, and Goose Greece came under British control.  Goose Green became a great morale boost to British forces in the Falklands as well as to the British general public in the homeland.

With their flank secure, the main British force at San Carlos Bay set out for Teal Inlet, located 40 kilometers northwest from Port Stanley.  Excerpts taken from The Falklands War.